2月1日~20日 |
企画 |
2月21日 |
申請 |
2月10日 |
WAND財団と会議 |
3月4日 |
READYFORにてプロジェクト公開 |
3月17日 |
WAND財団と会議 |
2月10日 |
WAND財団と会議 |
Elmer Velasco Sayre
有機農業や複合農業、アグロフォレストリー、農業食料認証基準GAP(good agricultural practices)などを総称するいわゆる持続的農業(sustainable agriculture)が、途上国小規模農家の農業経営・生業・環境保全に果たす役割について、東南アジア(特にタイ)を中心に研究してきた。アイオワ州立大学博士。
Super Typhoon Odette devastated many communities in the Philippines and Dinagat Islands is Ground Zero with most of communities totally damaged and livelihoods destroyed. While humanitarian aid is focused on providing shelter, food and medical care, the psycho-social situation of villagers is not taken cared of. Our initiative establishing communal flower gardens in two municipalities, Tubajon and Loreto in Dinagat Islands is aimed to enhance the emotional well-being of local families and contribute to healing as they go on rebuilding their lives. Flowers will improve mood and will lessen stress of affected families. Flowers will also reduce CO2 emission and will provide cleaner, oxygen-rich air. We will grow Filipino well-loved flowers such as roses, hibiscus, San Francisco and sunflower as well as the very attractive sun patiens. Hoping for your kind help. We will provide video and photo updates of your gift.